
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Easy way To Attract A Girl You Like

You want to know the easy way to attract a girl you like- right?

Okay, I will let you in on that in a moment.

But first thing first….
A lot of guides and articles online have made the art of attracting a girl a money making venture. You will find some ridiculous tricks out there asking you to treat a girl poorly so as to appear macho or so as to make an impression on her.

Getting a girl to like you and go out with you is not rocket science. So don’t make it look like some complicated stuff that need to cracked.

Having said that, it good I tell you that one easy way to attract a girl you like is to be sincere and honest in your approach.

Girls like guys who are straight forward and seem to be confident in their approach.
Cut the one liner pick- up lines being thrown around the internet. It does not work- not work- today and not tomorrow.

Think of how to make her feel at ease with you. Think of ways to create a connection with her without sounding like an over-confident douch that is out to take advantage of her.

And let me add this-

Looks matter but….

It helps if you have a ripped abs of a Hollywood celebrity but it is certainly not necessary f you want to get a girl.

Women are less visual than men. The one area you should aim to stimulate is her mind.
A charming personality and a bit of genuine and heartfelt kindness will take you far than a ripped 6 pack.

Make her laugh and let her know you like her the way she is.

She will fall for you fast.

Go try it out.

Good luck.

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